Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Santa and the Boys

We took Max and Alex to see Santa this weekend, They both loved it but I think thismay be the last year Alex still believes in Santa. He's a smart kid and is beginning to figure it out. How sad, losing on of childhoods biggest mysteries :(

They are such good boys. Max asked Santa for a couple of presents but also asked if Alex could have some too. Its so nice when they think of each other although I am sure they will kill each other later

Alex Max and Santa 2007

Friday, November 02, 2007

Mike's 39th Birthday

Yes, Mike turned 39 this year! We had a big bash at his favorite BBQ restaurant (Q4U) and then headed back to our place for Black Forest Cake (homemade for the first time by Cristy! lopsided, but delicious :), Guitar Hero 3, and Poker Night. A good time was had by all and we had a blast sharing the day with friends and family. Say good-bye to your 30's Mike! It's all down hill from here. . .

Mike's Birthday 2007