Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cristy and the Baby...Status

OK, I will try to make this comprehensive, yet short. Cristy conceived twins but one is what is called a acardiac twin. basically its a Steven King baby. Its not conjoined or anything but it is parasitic. It has no heart, organs, head or much of anything but it is growing. The artery and veins from both babies umbilical cords are connected in the uterus. The good baby is pumping blood for both of them and that can cause heart failure. Now the good news...The good baby is doing ok so far. Its normal weight and length and the heart is looking good. Cristy is getting ultrasounds every week and as soon as the baby shows any sign of the heart issues or fluid build up they will take it. We are hoping to make 35 weeks but we will see. Keep all of you informed.

BTW, its a Boy.

1 comment:

LauraGST said...

Congrats and I'm sorry. I hope the baby continues to do well. Keep us posted.